David Rei
PhD Researcher, Software Developer, Gamer
My Activities
As part of the CPU team at LISN lab, I am working on motivation to walking through the lense of human-computer interaction.
CPU/LISN lab websiteDevelopment
I mainly develop websites, Android apps and games, both as a hobby and for work. See my projects for examples.
My GitHub profileHiking
Hiking is my favourite outdoor activity, and I practice it whenever I can, especially when the Alps are around.
Nature posts on my blogGaming
I am passionate about video games and I love to talk about my experiences or my last crush of heart for hours.
My Steam profileMy Projects

PhD Thesis
My biggest project so far, it took me 5 years. I conducted 4 experiments, published several papers and communications.
My research page
GDevelop Game Jam #5
The theme was "Unstable", I participated with "Journey to Unstable Grounds", playable on a browser.
Game's page on itch.io
GameDev.tv Jam 2024
The theme was "Last Stand", I participated with "The Last Stand", playable both on a browser and on Android devices.
Game's page on itch.io
Overall update
The website you are browsing needed some refreshing, this is currently its third iteration since 2015. I'm updating all my websites and social media too.